Addressing Assistive Technology in the IEP

Addressing Assistive Technology in the IEP

The IEP team must consider whether there is any possibility that the student may need AT.

Once AT devices and services have been properly considered for a student, the IEP team will recommend an AT evaluation of the student by a qualified professional.

When the evaluation is completed to everyone’s satisfaction, the resulting recommendations should state the need for AT devices and services.

AT devices should be described in detail in the IEP. AT services, such as training, maintenance and repair of devices, should be addressed in the IEP.

In addition, the student’s use of the device should be incorporated into the student’s IEP goals and objectives.

Training will be available to school personnel and family members once an appropriate device is acquired.

If the device is also to be used at home, family members must be trained in the use as well.

Consultation is provided on an ongoing basis as needed.