The Network Initiatives provides end-to-end support in designing, installing and maintaining data networks to support the essential operations of the Imperial County & K-12 school districts in California. Our department is dedicated to provide technology support services and leadership to all of our school districts. The Network Initiatives serves as:
- The Lead Educational Agency for the K-12 High Speed Network Program (K12HSN).
- The New Broadband Aggregator for California Libraries Connected (CLC).
- The Network Administrator for the Imperial Valley Telecommunications Authority (IVTA).
K-12 High Speed Network (K12HSN)
K12HSN is a state program funded by the California Department of Education. The California Department of Education competitively selected the Imperial County Office of Education (ICOE) as the Lead Education Agency (LEA) and manager of the K-12 High Speed Network program.
K12HSN provides the California K-12 community with:
- Network Connectivity.
- Network Support.
- DDoS Mitigation Services.
- K-12 School Connectivity Data.
- E-rate Filing Support.
The mission of the California K-12 High Speed Network is to enable educators, students and staff across the state to have access to reliable high speed network which has the capacity to deliver high quality online resources to support teaching and learning and promote academic achievement.
K12HSN administers K-12’s participation in the California Research and Education Network (CalREN). CalREN is the high-speed, high-bandwidth statewide network of 14 Hub Sites and circuits linking to 83 K-12 Node Sites, 11 University of California Campuses, 24 California State University Campuses, 111 Community College Campuses, as well as the Three Participating Private Universities. CalREN is also linked to the national Internet2 network forming an advanced state and national “Intranet” for educational use.
Backbone services are provided by the Corporation for Education Networking Initiatives in California (CENIC).
For more information, visit www.k12hsn.org
California Libraries Connect Program (CLC)
Imperial County Office of Education (ICOE) is the new broadband aggregator for California libraries connected to CENIC.
To improve collaboration with public schools and improve digital connectivity, the California State Library has selected the Imperial County Office of Education (ICOE) to serve as the Broadband Access Aggregator to help connect more public libraries to the high-speed network used by the state’s universities, community colleges, and public schools.
For over 20 years, the Imperial County Office of Education has been implementing innovative solutions to connect schools, libraries, and other public agencies, receiving both state and national recognition for its efforts. The county office’s current role as program manager for K-12 high-speed connectivity provides them with unique knowledge and experience that will improve the administration of the comparable program for California libraries.
California Library Connect’s key partners are the California State Library, CENIC, and ICOE.
For more information, visit www.californialibraryconnect.org.
Imperial Valley Telecommunications Network (IVTA)
The Imperial Valley Telecommunications Authority services include:
- Monitors local/wide area network and problem management.
- Manages construction projects including fiber and wireless systems installs.
- Installs, configures and maintains network equipment.
- Ensures network security and availability.
- Manages backup power systems and environment monitoring systems.
- A collaborative of all Imperial County school districts, city agencies, county agencies, Imperial Community College and San Diego State University-IVC.
- An innovative partnership with the Imperial Irrigation District.
- Officially recognized as a public "Joint Powers Authority (JPA)".
- IVTA is dedicated to provide new technology and a community-wide system access to the Imperial Valley public agencies, and contribute to the growth and development of the community.
IVTA major projects include:
- Connecting participating agencies to a state-of-the-industry fiber-optic communications network.
- Planning for future uses of the high-speed network to improve efficiency and reduce costs of operations.
For more information, please visit: www.ivta.net
Luis Wong
Chief Executive Officer K12HSN
Imperial County Office of Education
(760) 312-6512
Michael Kahler
Network Operations Manager IVTA
Imperial County Office of Education
(760) 312-6512