What is a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)?
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
California’s MTSS focuses on aligning initiatives and resources within an educational organization to address the needs of all students. It is an integrated, comprehensive framework for local educational agencies (LEA) that aligns academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning in a fully integrated system of support for the benefit of all students. MTSS offers the potential to create systematic change through intentional integration of services and supports to quickly identify and meet the needs of all students.
California’s vast and complex Prekindergarten through grade twelve (Prek–12) educational system requires a multifaceted approach that is scalable and sustainable. The California Department of Education’s (CDE) vision of “one coherent system of education” offers an opportunity to build the foundation for educational excellence. Through the use of Implementation Science, Universal Design for Learning, and the Whole Child approach, among other evidence-based interventions, MTSS affords a full range of academic, behavioral, and social support for all students to achieve.
- CA MTSS Framework
- CA MTSS Guide
- TA Practices summary
- LCAP and MTSS Crosswalk
- Universal Design for Learning Guidelines
View a quick primer video on MTSS (Video; 3:27), created by the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE), for an overview of MTSS.
Orange County of Office of Education Guide to Understanding CA MTSS
- https://ocde.us/MTSS/Pages/Guide-to-Understanding-CA-MTSS.aspx
(Guide found in the attachments)
California MTSS 2020 - July 28-30 Anaheim Convention Center
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update
As we assess the impact of COVID-19 in our education communities, we are all in agreement that the safety of our students and staff is of the highest priority. Our joint planning team from OCDE, CDE, BCOE, and UCLA are continuing to monitor COVID-19 updates from the City of Anaheim, the Anaheim Convention Center, and local health authorities to plan for a safe event.
As of today, we plan to proceed with the California MTSS Professional Learning Institute (PLI) and will continue to put plans in place that prioritize the health and safety of our attendees, staff, partners, and volunteers. We will monitor the situation closely and update you if anything changes.
Where can I learn more about coronavirus?
- See the CDC website and World Health Organization for information about symptoms, transmission, and recent cases.
- For California-specific updates, see the CDPH website.
- For Orange County-specific updates, see the OCDE Newsroom
For an informative guide for communicating with travelers, see U.S. Travel.
Contact Information

Michael Garcia

Rocio Obeso
Clerical Assistant II
(760) 312-6571