What is the Alternative Payment Program?
The Alternative Payment Program is a financial child care assistance program that serves low-income families who are employed, seeking employment, or participating in a job training or education program.
Parents who are incapacitated and families that are homeless may also be eligible.
Parents select the child care provider of their choice, which includes; licensed child care centers, licensed family child care homes or an unlicensed/exempt child care provider.
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CAPP - Alternative Payment Program
The CAPP - Alternative Payment Program provides financial child care assistance to families who meet income eligibility and need requirements. The child must reside in the State of California while services are being received. Parents must provide evidence of residency and income verification.
The AP Program maintains an eligibility list of families waiting to receive financial child care assistance. The eligibility requirements are determined by the California Department of Education/Child Development Division (CDE/CDD). A family’s rank may change because of their changing circumstances or the circumstances of other families on the list.
While time on the list is one factor, it is not the only one, nor is it the most important.
Cal - WORKs Stage 2 Program
Cal-WORKs Stage 2 Program provides financial child care services to families who the Department of Social Services have determined are in a stable Cal-WORKs “approved work activity” and are transitioning off cash aid. Families must meet eligibility, income and need requirements:
- Families who have received cash aid within the last 24 months and are referred by the Department of Social Services.
- Families who have received a Diversion Payment from the Department of Social Services may also be eligible.
Cal - WORKs Stage 3 Program
Cal-WORKs Stage 3 Program provides financial child care assistance to families who have transitioned off cash aid and whose 24 months has ended in the Stage 2 Cal-WORKs Program.
Families must meet eligibility, income and need requirements:
- The child must reside in the State of California while services are being received.
- Parents must provide evidence of residency and income verification.
- Families must be enrolled in the
- Cal-WORKs Stage 2 Program in order
- to transfer to the Cal-WORKs Stage 3 Program.
Contact Information
Alternative Payment Program
Phone: (760) 312-6442
Fax: (760) 312-6577

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