Imperial County – The California Department of Education (CDE) has released the test results for the state-wide assessments taken each spring in the areas of English Language Arts and Mathematics. These scores are from students in grades 3rd – 8th grade as well as 11th graders during last school year. The total number of students in those grades who took the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) was 19,432 in Imperial County.

This year’s CAASPP scores represent the fourth year that California schools have used this assessment and the overall trend for Imperial County schools is positive. The following pages lay out in detail the progress local schools have made, especially when compared to other counties in the state that have similar English Language Learner populations and similar socio-economic demographics.
It is important to note that these test scores are just one measurement tool now used to evaluate student and school performance. This past year the CDE released the California School Dashboard ( that identifies six (6) State Indicators, including the Academic Indicator which utilizes the CAASPP scores for ELA and Math assessments, as well as four (4) local indicators that are determined by each local school district.
The CAASPP assessment has four different achievement level descriptors which are Standard Exceeded, Standard Met, Standard Nearly Met and Standard Not Met. For clarity, the Imperial County Office of Education has prepared the following report on students who’ve either met or exceeded the standard on either ELA or Math assessments.
Click here for the 2017-2018 CAASPP Report for Imperial County.
Click here for a deeper dive into the CAASPP Report for Comparable Counties.
Local school district scores are available at: