
Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program Resources

  • Foster Youth Education Toolkit
    Toolkit Thumbnail

    The toolkit is divided into five main sections:

    Section 1 defines foster youth under LCFF and the role of their education rights holders.

    Section 2 covers enrollment, including tools to identify foster youth, ensure youth are afforded the right to remain in their school of origin, and request records from prior schools.

    Section 3 provides a comprehensive education evaluation template to assist schools in determining the education needs of foster youth.

    Section 4 focuses on best practices for supporting foster youth in school, including
    (1) identifying the early education needs of foster children ages 0 to 5,
    (2) the special education needs of school-age foster youth,
    (3) meeting the disciplinary challenges of foster youth, and
    (4) helping high school foster youth graduate.

    Section 5 discusses best practices for disenrolling foster youth who transfer schools.

    For more information on the Foster Youth Education Toolkit, visit:

  • Foster Youth Services Coordinated Program Direct Service Waiver
    • Coming soon...