Tech de Mayo at IVC on May 6!

Tech de Mayo
The newly formed Imperial Valley CUE, along with ICOE and IVC, will host Tech de Mayo, a Festival of Teaching and Technology, at IVC’s 2700 Building on Saturday, May 6, 2017, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Dave Burgess, the New York Times Best-Selling author of Teach Like a PIRATE and co-author of P is for PIRATE, will deliver a high-energy breakout session and a powerful closing session. Local experts will also be joining us to share their knowledge and best practices. Teach like a Pirate Cover

Overall, there will be about 20 sessions that teachers and administrators can choose from. Participants will get a chance to meet groups of students showcasing the amazing projects they are working on in the classroom. Here are just some of the exciting sessions participants will have the opportunity to choose from:

• Teaching Outside the Box: A Crash Course in Creativity

• Communication with Parents, Staff, and Students with Social Media

• Use Nearpod and Screencasting to Increase Student Engagement in a Blended Learning/Flipped Classroom Environment

• Digital Portfolio with Google Sites

• Digital Breakout with Google Tools

• Exploring Computer Science

• The 3 Q’s: Quizlet, Quizlet Live, and Quizizz

• TED Ed for You and Your Students

• Digital Storytelling

• And many more!!!

Conference Schedule
For a list of sessions and session descriptions, visit:

Registration Fee: $65. This registration fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, a copy of Dave Burgess’ book Teach Like a PIRATE, a raffle ticket as well as a day’s worth of learning, networking and fun. Participants in either the Teacher Induction or PRIME programs may register at no cost!

To register, please visit:


We look forward to a great day of learning!

The 2017 Tech de Mayo Team

Imperial Valley CUE

Imperial County Office of Education

Imperial Valley College

ICOE, IVCUE and IVC logos


Added on Thursday, April 27, 2017 - 14:40