I.E.P. development & Facilitated IEPs
The Imperial County SELPA believes in collaborative IEP processes. The majority of IEPs result in opportunities for meaningful parental participation and result in agreements or outcomes which positively affect students’ educational progress. Often parents and school personnel find that they agree on many more things than they disagree on and can build on those areas to reach a compromise. At times disagreements and/or breakdowns in communication occur during the IEP meeting, or because of misunderstandings regarding what the IEP/special education process entails. There is an informal structured approach, referred to as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), that can assist parents of students with disabilities and their Districts prior to considering formal legal approaches, which are considered Due Process. If issues arise where parents and the LEA/District cannot reach agreement, there are a number of ways to resolve the conflict.
Parents are encouraged to:
- Speak with your child’s teacher, the site administrator, and/or
the LEA/District special education administrator - Contact the SELPA for information and/or to start an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process and hold a facilitated IEP team meeting. The SELPA Sr. Director and SELPA staff, are available to be neutral facilitators to assist Districts and parents alike.
ADR Resources
Pathways to Partnership

California Family EMpowerment Center Map
Exceptional Family Resource Center
6367 Alvarado Court, Suite 350
San Diego, CA 92120
Phone: (619) 594-7416