ICOE Safety

If you are involved in a life-threatening emergency, please call 911.

These safety resources are intended for use by ICOE employees, students, program participants, or if you have an ICOE-related concern.

If you are a victim or witness of a violent incident. Report it. We want to help!


A complaint is a statement alleging that a local school, school district, or county of education policy has been violated or that a state or federal law or regulation has been violated.

For student complaints or concerns, contact Claudia Montano, Administrator of Student Services, Student Services Division, ICOE - 1398 Sperber Road, El Centro, CA 92243, (760) 312-6424, Title IX Compliance Officer/Cal. Code of Regs. Title 5 Compliance Officer for Students.

For employee complaints or concerns, please contact Martha Garcia, Senior Director, Human Resources, ICOE - 1398 Sperber Road, El Centro, CA 92243, (760) 312-61625, Title IX Compliance Officer/Cal. Code of Regs. Title 5 Compliance Officer for Employees.

To report Fraud, Waste, and/or Abuse anonymously use this link. Federal and State law prohibits retaliation, intimidation, threats, or coercion that interfere with your right to disclose improper activities by any public agency.